There is always a lot of hype and noise in the media regarding Shari’ah Law. However, in a true sense, majority of the non-Muslims don’t know what Shari’ah Law is? Western Media and other media create a hype that Shari’ah Law is anti-women and barbaric for the society. Although the reality is a lot different.
If one closely looks and interprets the definition of Shari’ah, it is the way Muslims must live their life. The Qur’an talks about certain punishments that should be given to the sinners, like a Rapist, or a person who has committed adultery. These rulings come under Shari’ah Law.
If one tries to properly interpret the definition of Shari’ah, it is the GOD’s will for a believer to love the peaceful and extremely tremendous Islamic life void of any crime, harassment, and sin.
Thus, Shari’ah is typically the laws, rules, regulations, and guidelines created by ALLAH (S.W.T.). Main sources which tell us about the Shari’ah Laws are verses from the Qur’an and Hadiths (Narrations of the Prophet Muhammad (S.A.W.)).
What is Fiqh and its importance
Other than Shari’ah, there exists another term known as “Fiqh”. The “Fiqh” is also the Islamic laws where the Islamic jurists make laws according to the necessary requirements of the time using Qur’an and Hadith.
An important factor that is highly considered in Fiqh is that it must not violate “Shari’ah”. The Fiqh expands the Shari’ah through Ijtihad (unity of interpretation) among different scholars.
However, with the so much hype and false propaganda created by the western media, non-Muslims consider Shari’ah as an old orthodox religious concept that is unnecessary in today’s time.
Shariah Law V/s Western Law
When we compare both of these two different Laws, Islamic Shari’ah Law is much different from Western Law. Lot of differences exist between both the laws and some of them are explained here:
- Western Laws Is Prone To Changes While Shariah Las Cannot Be Changes:
For instance, in Western countries they make laws as a solution to a particular situation. Later they might find the law dangerous for the society and will not benefit the country and it’s peoples. Upon the findings the law will be either changed or completely removed.
While, the Islamic Shari’ah Law and Fiqh have already defined the laws for almost any situations the mankind might face. And if suppose the law does not go according to the time, then the islamic jurisdiction discuss the law together and finds a out the way. Although this happens in extremely rare cases. - Western Law is man made, while Shariah Law Is From Allah (s.w.t):
ALLAH (S.W.T.) is the only originator of Shari’ah law. Muslims thus follow the commandments of ALLAH (S.W.T.) in their life affairs like Nikkah (Marriage), Talaq (Divorce), setting up a business, giving punishment to the thief or the assassin etc.
Even the islamic jurisdiction contribute to Fiqh in such a way that no commandments of ALLAH (S.W.T.) is violated.
This Islamic Shari’ah Law or Fiqh (Expanded and Developed form of Islamic Shari’ah law) contains rules and regulations for all the things and matters of daily life. These laws are formed within the boundaries of commandments given in the Qur’an and Hadith.
While western law is a man-made law. Whenever a new Government comes into power, changes in the western law are done by the authorities according to their whims and fancies - Shari’ah Laws does not give the right to any Islamic scholar to change anything by their will. However, western law could be changed by the will of the person sitting at the top position of the ruling Government.
- Sources:
Shari’ah Law and Fiqh are derived from Islamic sources which include Qur’an and Hadith. While western laws does not originate from any authentic or reliable sources. Western countries depend on different sources to fabricate their laws.
Some western countries use certain sections of Bible as the source to fabricate some western laws. Other resources that contribute to western laws could be meetings (discussions) between the members of the cabinet.
Although the western media tries to portray Islamic Shari’ah Laws in a bad manner. Islam believes in justice, And the Islamic Shari’ah believes in the propagation of Justice, Peace, and Harmony in society.